Felice Beato and Adolfo Farsari: Photographers and Entreprenuers in Yokohama

Rossella Menegazzo, scientific consultant for the exhibition

The story of the two Italian photographers, Felice Beato and Adolfo Farsari, who arrived in Japan in the second half of the 19th century, speaks of travel, creativity, entrepreneurship, art, and international relations. The photographic images they left behind, partly collected by the Alinari Archives in Florence, document the places, customs, and traditions of a country that had just adopted the photographic technique. They also highlight the potential of this new medium within the vibrant port city of Yokohama. Beato and Farsari transformed photography into a widely distributed artistic product and contributed to the development of the first generations of Japanese photographers, thereby leaving a mark on the history of international photography.

The conversation was supported by the Alinari Foundation for Photography and the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation of Albania.